CRE Insurance
UK’s FSA criticised for ‘two-tier’ approach to Solvency II
The FSA’s announcement that it will focus its internal resources on aiding the largest UK insurers, or high risk and impact firms, to achieve internal model approval for Solvency II,…
CRE Insurance
CEA concerned by new Argentinian reinsurance regulation that will raise prices
The CEA has written to the Argentinian Superintendent of Insurance (SSN) and the Argentinian government to express its concerns about the reinsurance regulation, Resolution 35.615, which it says will impact…
Association News
Loss of Bulgarian association a wake-up call for more industry support
The loss of the Bulgarian Risk Management Association at the start of the year illustrates what can happen to a new association when there is a lack of risk manager…
Market to maintain pressure on Brazil government over reinsurance rules
While European risk managers have called the recent reversal by the Brazilian government of a restrictive reinsurance regulation a ‘step in the right direction,’ they intend to keep putting pressure…
CRE Insurance
HDI-Gerling looks to expand international book to sell Talanx’s IPO
Risk managers across Europe who feel that their choice of insurers is limited could be well advised to talk to HDI-Gerling Industrie, the industrial insurance arm of Germany's giant Talanx.…
CRE Insurance
Lockton launches product to help risk managers insure the ‘uninsurable’
Brokerage Lockton has launched a product line to help risk and insurance managers cover areas of risk that have traditionally been uninsurable.
CRE Insurance
Chartis critical of changes to UK’s solicitors’ insurance regulations
Chartis has criticised the UK’s Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (SRA) decision to scrap the Associated Risk Pool (ARP) only in 2013, and called for a ‘fundamental’ overhaul of the pool before…
CRE Insurance
Corporate round-up
Willis international appoint David Margrett as CEO, Kiln intends to merge Syndicate 807 with Syndicate 510, JLT gets license for fully independent operations in South Africa and Mitsui Sumitomo at…
CRE Insurance
Capital at all time high and still strong despite 2011 nat cats-Aon Benfield
Reinsurer capital levels were at a record high at year-end of 2010 and remain strong despite the spate of catastrophe losses in the first quarter of this year, according to…
CRE Insurance
Willis warns of coverage gaps following recent political turmoil
Insurance buyers may soon find that they are unable to retain sufficient insurance coverage for risks in politically charged regions of the world as insurers evaluate the terms and prices…
CRE Risk Management
IRM 2011 Forum-Full coverage
Welcome to our full coverage of the Institute of Risk Management’s Professional Development Forum 2011, held in Liverpool’s BT Convention Centre. Please enjoy the key audio presentations from the event…
CRE Insurance
French companies turn to political risk insurance but prices up 30%
Demand for political risk insurance is on the rise among French companies, as they try to deal with their exposure to African markets that have been shaken by political turmoil…
CRE Insurance
Planned new Spanish insurance contract law good news for buyers
The likely adoption of a new Spanish insurance contract law is good news for insurance buyers, according to risk managers and experts gathered at a meeting organised by risk management…
Association News
Changes to Brazilian insurance law welcome but not enough-FERMA
The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) has welcomed recent amendments to a much-criticised reinsurance law in Brazil, but believes they do not go far enough to address buyers’…
CRE Insurance
Willis and S&P give warnings over Solvency II QIS5 results
Willis Re has reported that the results of Solvency II’s QIS5 study suggest that it will not bring about a capital deficit for the insurance sector as a whole, but…
CRE Insurance
Piracy at all time high in 2011
Piracy has hit an all time high in the first three months of 2011 with 142 attacks worldwide, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Maritime Bureau global piracy report…
CRE Insurance
German fidelity insurers expand coverage to increase take up from buyers
Due to relatively low demand German fidelity guarantee insurers are expanding their conditions to make their products more attractive for companies–a move welcomed by German risk managers
Association News
Czech risk managers and brokers look to adopt transparency protocol
ASPAR CZ, the Czech risk management association, is in the midst of discussions with the country’s broker association on adopting a protocol to increase transparency and reduce conflicts of interests…
CRE Insurance
Japan losses up to $26bn says RMS as reinsurers say market will harden
Modelling firm Risk Management Solutions (RMS) has this week estimated insured property losses from the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan last month at between $18bn and $26bn.
CRE Insurance
Time for action on global programmes is here-Comment
Last week’s Global Programmes seminar organised by CRE in partnership with AIRMIC concluded with an agreement by the leading insurers and Marsh to meet FERMA and AIRMIC in London to…