Dutch risk managers seek to ‘transform to perform’

Van Haastrecht says members must prepare for extended tough market

Registration for the Narim Congress 2023, which takes place on Thursday 25 May in Maarssen, just outside Utrecht, is open and the theme this year is ‘Transform to Perform’.

The Dutch risk management association is advising delegates to sign up sooner rather than later because capacity for the break-out sessions, in particular, is limited. To register visit Narim.com

“The current global changes are affecting the insurance industry. Insurability is a much-discussed topic in relation to the energy transition, climate adaptation and broader geopolitics. What should we do as an industry to ensure we remain relevant in this rapidly changing world? How do we handle that?” says Narim ahead of its conference.

“With the 2023 conference, Narim wants to create a setting to think differently, to step out of the role for a while to think freely, to see opportunities and to learn from each other, so that we can move along to be ready for the future together,” adds the association as it prepares for the event at the spectacular waterside venue of InnStyle.

Narim interviewed current chairman Albert van Haastrecht, also corporate insurance manager at Ballast Nedam, who took over from Adri van der Waart a year ago.

“So far, the chairmanship of Narim has been a very nice and inspiring experience. This is mainly due to the enthusiasm of not only my fellow board members, but also of the coordinators of the Knowledge Centres, the Narim members and the parties with whom we at the Narim board and Narim as a whole have contact. We have continued on the path taken by the previous board and on what they have already achieved,” he said.

When asked if he would like to name a few successes, van Haastrecht said: “In 2022, the VNAB (Dutch corporate insurance association) started the contract certainty programme, to which we have made a major contribution. We are also in constructive dialogue with the association on all kinds of topics so that we can clearly discuss the concerns and interests of the Narim members. Two roundtable discussions also took place in 2022. There, Narim members talked to chief underwriting officers and the country representatives of major insurers. Those were, in my opinion, very inspiring meetings. It’s good that we’re talking to each other.”

Communication with insurers and other parties is more important than ever for Narim as its members face up to the continued hard market and wider threats such as cyber and the ongoing financial instability faced by firms of all sizes.

“Narim is a platform where risk and insurance managers come together to exchange knowledge and share experiences. We do this at the congress. In addition, we consult with the VNAB four times a year. Those conversations take place in a good atmosphere and we are listened to. At the Dutch Association of Insurers, we discuss matters in the cyber and sustainability working groups,” explained van Haastrecht.

The Narim chairman added that DACT, the Dutch professional association for corporate treasurers and treasury professionals, would like to organise a meeting with Narim. “Both parties can present themselves. Then we can see what else we can do for each other,” he said.

Van Haastrecht stressed that there have been challenges for Narim members over the last year, not least the continued tough market.

“In the past year, CEOs of large insurers enthusiastically told the press about their good results. But I also saw less positive CEOs of reinsurers who indicated that business was under enormous pressure and that they were worried about the future. I think if a reinsurer is worried about the future, we will notice that too. So I expect we will still have concerns about the continuing tough and hardening market in some areas,” he said.

Looking ahead, Van Haastrecht added that the team at Narim is working on an upgrade of its communications effort and overall strategy.

“We also want to expand European involvement through Ferma. Although I must say that we already have a strong position in this, partly because Narim is represented on the Ferma board and many committees. We are also focusing on expanding our membership base. In our opinion, many more representatives of companies in the Netherlands can become members of Narim. Perhaps they have not yet been approached or convinced of why membership of Narim is good for them. So, there is plenty of work to do,” he concluded.

*Commercial Risk will be attending this year’s Narim congress to carry out the Dutch leg of our annual Risk Frontiers Europe survey in partnership with HDI Global, and publish news from the event and a full post-event report.

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