Construction Risk Management Special Report 2018

Commercial Risk brings you its Construction Risk Management Special Report 2018, which looks at the leading risk management and insurance-buying issues facing construction companies around the world.

This report covers our inaugural Construction Risk Management: Identification, Measurement and Mitigation conference in London. This international event was supported by UK risk management association Airmic and partnered by AIG, Zurich, Aon, CMS, QBE, Sedgwick and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions.

The report also takes a wider look at some of the big issues facing construction risk manager today.

We look at the state of the construction insurance market and various sub-markets within that, as well as claims areas that are causing risk managers concern.There is focus on risk management, risk engineering, risk data, the growing cyber threat and the use, or lack of, technology in the construction industry. In addition, we consider the best types of insurance coverage for certain projects, wordings, regional markets and alternative risk transfer solutions such as performance security, plus much more besides.

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