UK MPs urge action to secure flood defences as cuts fall

The warning will come as a worry to both business and insurers, both of whom are at the mercy of floods and thus affected by the government’s approach to mitigation of the risk.

Also the committee, in the report of its inquiry into Future Flood and Water Management Legislation, called on the government to tackle the challenge of maintaining clean, reliable and affordable water supplies.

The cross-party MPs on the committee are concerned that the UK government has cut flood defence funding and will in future require communities to pay a greater contribution towards the defences from which they benefit.

“At a time of budgetary constraint, the committee believes there is no certainty that this funding gap can be filled,” the committee said in a statement.


The report tells ministers they must spell out how the government will deliver its pledge to focus public money for flood defence on those communities at greatest risk and least able to protect themselves.

And it calls for them to ensure adequate and stable funding for local authorities and other agencies given new responsibilities under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 to plan for and respond to flood events.

“At a time of budgetary constraints councils must give flood protection work priority since many of them will need to increase the financial contribution they make to key local flood defence projects whilst also fulfilling their new duties to lead local flood work,” said Anne McIntosh, the committee chair.

“Urgent action is needed to ensure we all continue to have access to clean, reliable and affordable water supplies and that our communities are adequately and effectively protected from flooding. Legislation required to implement the government’s full suite of flood and water management policies must be in place as soon as possible,” she added.

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