Launch of the CR Asia Risk Frontiers survey

In order to complete the survey we intend to speak to as many risk managers in the different regions within the Asia-Pacific market. Some of this will be done via one to one interviews or through roundtable discussions, the first of which took place earlier this year in Malaysia during the Parima conference in Kuala Lumpur.

The discussion between local and regional risk managers produced a number of important talking points – some of which will no doubt be shared by colleagues in other Asian markets, such as the challenge of explaining the benefit of insurance to uninterested finance officers.

As we talk to risk managers in other markets – from Hong Kong to Taiwan and from Singapore to India, there will no doubt be more nuanced and regional issues that arise, be that emerging risks where there is insufficient cover or particular regulatory challenges as a result of local legislation.


The findings from all of this research will be presented at a special workshop during the Parima conference in Hong Kong in November.

These findings should include the following:

  • The risks that keep you awake at night
  • Recent changes to corporate governance and risk reporting
  • Insurance purchasing strategies
  • The use of captives and global programmes
  • The possible advantage of combining general insurance with employee benefits

What we hope will emerge from all the research is a comprehensive picture of the challenges facing corporate risk managers in the region – from the macro to the micro and from the emerging to the seemingly ever-present.

And we also hope we will get an idea of how risk managers are engaging with their insurers – what areas are working well and where could this relationship be improved..

At the recent Global Insurance Forum held by the International Insurance Society in Singapore, a notable feature was the lack of reference to the many corporate risk managers that are running insurance programmes worth hundreds of millions in premiums.

While insurers are concerned with seeing off the threat from Silicon Valley-based challengers and peer-to-peer, online alternative providers, the corporate risk managers may feel somewhat neglected or ignored, particularly when issues like contract certainty are still largely unresolved.

The Risk Frontiers survey represents a chance to give voice to all of these concerns and we at Commercial Risk Asia urge you all to make the most of it via your participation.

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