SIRM celebrates 50th anniversary in style
The SIRM 50th anniversary conference in Bern 8-9 November was a fantastic event attended by all the great and the good of the Swiss risk and insurance management community and superbly organised by the SIRM team.
The programme reflected the ever-broadening remit of the SIRM membership and their peers across Europe within the Ferma community.
This event and others across Europe this year have not been dominated by the cost of insurance and scarcity of capacity in the face of ever-expanding exposures.
Rather, the discussion has focused on bigger risks such as people, ESG and all the related and seemingly ever-growing range of topics and, of course, cyber and the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
This is because the focus of corporations in Switzerland and across Europe is now on resilience in its broadest sense, and this is inevitably pulling the risk and insurance management community out of its silo, whether willingly or not.
The role of SIRM and its peers is therefore being rapidly enhanced. Now more than ever, risk and insurance managers need to meet their peers and partners to discuss the hot topics of the day, share war stories and gain knowledge.
This is why the SIRM event was such a success and why, after the lockdown-forced break from face-to-face events, they appear to be more popular than ever before, particularly given the rise of home-working and arguably forced isolation in many cases.
This post-event report includes the leading stories from the event plus wider Swiss market news that reflects the main interests and concerns of SIRM members, as witnessed at this excellent event.
Well done to Sabrina and team for putting on a great show!
Adrian Ladbury.
Editorial Director – Commercial Risk