ESG holds key to recruitment challenge
Swedish risk and insurance managers are becoming increasingly involved in ESG as the topic rises rapidly up the corporate agenda.…
Preparation is the best form of defence
The two most critical risks facing Swedish companies are cybercrime and climate change – two areas where both the frequency…
‘Martyn’s law’: UK Home Office publishes the draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill
New draft UK legislation will impose a legal duty on those responsible for public spaces to assess the risks of…
Cyber Attacks: Play the game, not the occasion
Is there such a thing as too many defensive measures when it comes to cyber security? Could an attack, no…
Be prepared
Europe has again been hit by extreme weather resulting in floods in northern Italy. In 2021, it was the German…
Insurers urged not to overreact as property rate increases accelerate again
Insurers have been urged to think carefully and not erode the value of insurance as they react to severe hardening…
New captive regime welcomed as ‘game changer’ for French firms
Leading French risk managers speaking at the recent AMRAE conference welcomed the new legal framework for onshore captives in France…
Global shocks strengthen the case for supply chain diversification
French risk managers have been urged to diversify their supply chains as the US becomes more protectionist and Western economies…
New capital creating more ‘competition and choice’ for cyber buyers
New capital flowing into the cyber insurance market will increase competition and help meet growing demand, experts have told Commercial…
Product recall market steady and stable for now
Product recalls take place all the time, on everything from cars to foodstuffs, but in terms of major insurance losses,…
D&O: Good for now, trouble on the horizon?
The D&O insurance market is improving for risk managers after a period of turmoil, with capacity expanding, competition in the…
Commercial insurance entering the digital age
It’s fair to say digitalisation for commercial insurance has been lagging behind the personal lines sector. Part of this is…
Trouble ahead for trade credit insurance
The last couple of years have seen a remarkably benign claims environment for trade credit insurance globally. But the outlook…
Renewals: better times ahead?
Primary renewals have been tough in the last few years, with the hard market seeing prices increase dramatically in many…
Growing nat cat risk in Asia
Natural catastrophes are on the increase around the world and the Asia-Pacific region is no exception in facing increased climate…
Parima Conference returns as in-person event in Singapore
The Pan-Asia Risk and Insurance Management Association (Parima) is holding its annual conference in-person in Singapore on 7-10 November, after…
China: Competitive market opening up
The Chinese property/casualty market is highly competitive and pricing remains flat in most lines, apart from the inevitable cyber and…
Parametric potential but work still to do
Growing natural catastrophe risks have seen the (re)insurance market harden for such threats and this has led to increased interest…
Captive potential growing in Asia-Pacific
Captive enquiries are increasing in Asia-Pacific, and existing captives are broadening the range of covers they provide. The main domiciles,…
Hard market in India but liberalisation continues
The Indian insurance market is facing similar issues to other global insurance markets, with rates still hardening and terms and…